Step 14: More glazes
Miniscule changes occur from here on out. With each layer, I bring out more highlights and deepen more shadows to make the portrait appear more radiant and lifelike. Countless tutorials on how to use oil paint will tell you that it is impossible to use glazes of Titanium White because it is too opaque, etc. I am here to tell you, it's possible...Step 15: layers
As you can see, by adding more flesh tones, her eyebrows have begun to disappear. This is intentional and a good thing for your portrait. In real life, unless they are painted on, your skin tones will shine through the hair. Besides, when you are doing flat layers, it is too difficult to try and work around them and doing so causes them to look fake in the final painting.Step 16: Defining the habit
In this photo, I've built up the shadows in the habit and brightened up the highlights.Step 17: the scarf area
More shadows are built up around the neck area and also the lower left hand side of the painting. You can also see that much of the detail from the under-painting on the lace at her throat has been eliminated by the flesh tones. Just like the eyebrows, it's easier to pull these out later...Step 18: Finishing touches witnessed here!Step 19: She is complete!
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